
Pointed Rant

Road Rage

Time to re-evaluate your definition of wealth:
Today on my way to campus I passed a car with the obnoxious bumper sticker, "Don't let the car fool you, my treasure's in heaven." Now, if this bumper sticker were attached to a 20 year-old Honda Civic with a rusting primer coat and mismatched hood, I'd charitably think, "oh, bless your little self-righteous heart." Buuuut....this bumper sticker was attached to a shiny new black Lincoln Navigator with spinners, low-profile tires, and every other after-factory addition to make it super ghetto-licious. $50,000 without breaking a sweat. I am inclined to think: not only are you a self-righteous prick, but you're a hypocritical asshole as well. Being so endowed ought to make it fairly easy for you to go f*ck yourself.

"And the winner is...":
By far, my favorite bumper sticker of all time has to be, "God was my copilot, but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat Him." Kind of makes you rethink the Eucharist, doesn't it...