
Pointed Rant

Internet Junk Food:

I know I shouldn't do it. It's not good for me, or my blood pressure, or general level of stress. I get burned every time, but I just can't resist. I enter into it hopeful that this will be the day, finally, when someone has something intelligent to write. Or at least bothers with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. But, alas...I am disappointed once again. Comcast Forum: the electronic domain for the uneducated moron. That's how they should market it, since it seems to be a place entirely populated with the simple-minded stay-at-home-mom, the unemployed high school drop-out, the uneducated, the narrow-minded, the backwards hick, and mouth-breathing troglodytes of all shapes and sizes. In other words, the people who have nothing better to do with their lives than guzzle Mountain Dew, gobble Doritos, and bitch about the educated, successful, gainfully employed "libruls who think there so much better then tha rest uf us." Yeah...there's a reason they think the way they do. They're right. I mean we're right. Did I write "they?" I meant to write "we." Elitist snob...and proud of it. At least I can spell, and put sentences together to form a paragraph, and complete a thought. I can even tie my shoelaces.


No child held back:
Every year, thousands of American teenagers graduate from high school with less than an eighth grade reading level, limited understanding of basic economics, physics, or biology; couldn't tell you about FDR's New Deal, the dates of the U.S. Civil War, where Hadrian's Wall is, find more than the U.S. on a world map, name a Shakespearean play that hasn't been made into a movie in the past five years, name the last Egyptian pharaoh, explain the significance of the Rosetta Stone, speak intelligently on the works of Mark Twain, or tell you the difference between the Battle of Normandy and the Norman Conquest. If you mentioned Freud, Nietzsche, or Marx they might say, "bless you!" but most certainly not, "gesundheit!" And these are the ones who go to college.

The depth and breadth of cultural illiteracy in this country is an inexcusable failure (one of many) of our educational system. More on this subject later...I'm sure.