I've been waiting, hoping, praying (now you KNOW I'm serious) for months now that this would happen. It seems as though the last Right-wing nut is leaving CNN for the redder pastures of Fox News. No official announcement has been made, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Bill Hemmer, Greta van Susteren, Glenn Beck - and now Lou Dobbs seems to be heeding the siren call of higher ratings and bigger paydays. Sayonara, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
But, I am kind of sad. First of all, I used to like Lou Dobbs. I liked that he was centrist, independent, and brooked no rhetoric or spin on his show. Then he went off the deep end and made every show a personal crusade - a self-indulgent, bigoted, xenophobic attack on illegal immigrants. What the hell did they ever do to him? Miss some spots when trimming his lawn?
I am also stridently opposed to blurring the lines between journalism and opinion. That is why I detest Fox; that is why I respect CNN. But more and more lately, CNN seems to be making these awkward attempts to prove it is unbiased and not left-leaning. Unfortunately, that effort has resulted in more over-the-top opining by right-of-center talking heads like Dobbs. Let us all hope (and pray, if that's your thing) this signals a return to the formula that truly made them "the world's news leader." Journalism: responsible, fair and balanced, ethical journalism without passion or prejudice is what we really need now more than ever.