
It has been two weeks since my last blog entry, so I thought I would write to tell you all that there isn't much to tell. I live an action-packed life, don't I? Actually, I've been spending more time at home than I have on campus lately. I have been struck down by a nasty little flu bug, and haven't felt comfortable being too far away from my bed. I have been keeping up with the hundreds of pages of reading; I have nothing else to do.

Yesterday, I got out among 'em to stand in line for one hour to then stand in front of a voting terminal for fifteen seconds. While I was in line, I spiked another fever and almost passed out. All this for a guy who thoroughly destroyed his competion in the state. But my vote counts, dammit!! I shouldn't be sarcastic. It was quite a momentous occasion, and I rather relished being a part of history. I have never voted for a candidate who's campaign slogan ended in a preposition. But then, I suppose "Change in which we can believe" just isn't as snappy, is it...

Hopefully I'll be back in action soon and have something a little more interesting to report. For now, I'm going back to bed.