
Have you hugged your band geek today?

Today, on my way to work, I noticed a high school marching band was having a car wash at the local Chick-fil-A. Besides the normal group of teenagers waving signs and whooping it up, the drum line was performing: two quads, two snares, a bass, and cymbals. I muted my sound system and listened to them play until the light turned green. My heart started thumping in time, and my feet instinctively started the heel-toe roll. Well, my left foot anyway; I didn't rear-end anyone! It took me back to my days as a high school band geek.

Admittedly, high school is not a favorite subject of mine, and I have some very bad memories of my years there. But marching band was a bright spot. I had fun with my geeky compatriots and I must admit I really did love marching in parades and halftime shows. Listening to them play today made me realize just how much I missed hearing the cadences and marching in time. So if you were a band geek, or if you know a band geek, or if your child is a band geek...give him/her a hug today. Chances are they are/were not the most popular kids in high school. But they were/are without a doubt some of the kids with the strongest characters and the tenderest hearts.

When the light turned green, I cranked up the volume again just in time for Coldplay's "Lovers in Japan" to start. It has an awesome, heart-thumping baseline and a cheery tack piano melody. I cruised with the top down, feeling the sun on my skin and the wind in my hair. And I said aloud, even though I was alone, "today is a beautiful day."


Where in the World is Dangerously Overeducated?

Hello everyone! Apart from the random musings and news links, I haven't done a status update on myself and where I am professionally or academically lately. So, here it is. The first semester in the SJSU Library Science program turned out to be my last. I found it to be mind-numbingly boring, and couldn't imagine another semester let alone another few years. So, no Marian the Librarian for me.

Which leaves me - um - unemployed and bored as Hell. Well, under-employed. I work weekends at a job that requires none of my hard-earned (and freakin' expensive!) education; but it was a nice, peaceful, sort-of-posh place to land for a while. And it gets me out of the house two days a week. As for a "real" job, what recruiters and HR people call a "career" I dunno. I really don't know where I want to go from here. There are a couple of PhD programs I'm looking into, but I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of being a student again. I just want to be a grown-up with a job and income, and responsibilities to someone other than myself for a change.

And here's where my dear, old seminary comes into play. I recently applied for a position as the Associate Director of Admissions. If I get this job, you all know what that means: fresh material for the blog!!! I'll keep you posted...