
Random Musing

I was browsing for a birthday card for my husband today, when one in particular caught my eye. On the front was an "old-timey" photo of a man and woman, think: "American Gothic." Above the woman's head was the caption: "Happy birthday to my husband, my lord and master." I smirked, and inhaled as I opened the card waiting for the punchline. And it was...blank. It wasn't a joke. Then I realized...I was in the "religious" section.

No. That is not the card I bought. Happy birthday to my husband, my friend and partner.


The Former Member of the Hitler Youth is at it Again

The Pope has recently condemned new legislation in the U.K. that strengthens the rights of all citizens...including gays. Which, of course, he objects to. Last January, the British Parliament passed a law preventing adoption agencies, including Catholic ones, from discriminating against gay couples.

The article, "Anger after pope condemns gay-friendly laws," is available at http://news.yahoo.com. The url was far too long to type in here, and blogspot does not allow copy and paste.

It seems to me that the Pope, in his infinite and infallible wisdom, would rather see these children age out of the foster care system than be adopted by a loving, supportive gay couple. No! Not the Gays! We can't let them anywhere near God's precious, innocent children! Everyone knows all gay people are child molesters and sexual deviants! If they get too close, we'll - we'll - well...we'll just transfer them to other parishes! Fucking hypocrite.

Oh, and his visit to the U.K. this coming September is estimated to cost the taxpayers 20 million pounds. Uh.....why? The Pope can pay his own way. Great Britain officially parted ways with the Catholic Church centuries ago, and its citizens should not be stuck footing the bill.

Regarding this issue in the U.S., see the Feb/March 2010 issue of Free Inquiry for an Op-Ed piece by Tom Flynn: "Pull the Plug - On Catholic Charities". He predicts Catholic Charities will simply close up shop when the U.S. begins to pass in earnest laws allowing/protecting same-sex marriage and adoptions. Pretty please, let this come to pass! In the meantime secular organizations need to begin establishing their own charitable organizations to fill the void when these dinosaurs finally give up the ghost.